

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Research and Planning - Shot list of teaser trailer for Brother 2 Another.

  • titles " next summer"
  • close up shot of Dave's face when he/me turns his head watching max.
  • long shot of group of youths
  • mid shot of someone looking up breathing out smoke....
  • establishing shot of a rave
  • mid shot of people dancing
  • titles directed by .....
  • long shot of police car driving past camera movement
  • panning following the car.
  • titles produced by...
  • close up of character with bruised face out of breathe
  • titles from the director of .... (previous films)
  • low angle POV shot of someone being punched
  • titles from the makers of ....
  • Close up of a characters face battered and brusied with blunt look on there face.
  • close up shot on gun being pointed
  • black screen sound of gun
  • titles film name
  • titles website..

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