

Friday 17 December 2010

Research and Planning - Teaser Trailer Ideas

I had an idea for a trailer the other night;
it starts with some footage or a shortened scene of the film, quite slow paced, possibly police cars driving past, or a scene containing a few characters from the film possibly just having a conversation, the conversation content will show the urban grittiness of the film. Also during these shots i would show some titles with a possible drum beat between shots to add tension and emphasis.

However, i would start the trailer with this with a slow paced song in the background to keep the consistency of the editing pace. Suddenly the screen will jerk and fade out, i would like to use the sound effect of a turntable scratching a vinyl record; then a fast paced song drops in, with a series of fast pace shots presenting the drama genre of the film. 

Towards the end of the trailer i would have the music pace slow down again, and the film title and a website for the film come up, also with facebook, twitter etc links at the bottom.

Monday 6 December 2010

Research and Planning - Teaser poster research (print screen)

This screen shots shows the variety and similarities of film posters. They all have a colour scheme which they stick to throughout the poster. For example Toy Story 3 have an emphisis on the yellows and reds in the three, they continue the scheme through to the costumes of the characters.

In contrast, some posters do not contain a picture of any actors, and only have the title of the film and date of release. This makes them more mysterious as sometimes by presenting actors or using them as a promotion technique may give away certain elements of the film, for example Rhys Iffans from The Boat That Rocked could easily be related to comedy.

Research and Planning - location

this image represents the colour scheme of our trailer, showing quite a grimey urban presentation.

Research and Planning - cowboys and aliens teaser analysis

genre - hybrid (sci fi and western). This can be seen in the trailer thorough the use of mise en scene. The use of special effects represents the sci fi element to the film.

Narrative - this has been given away slightly by the title of the film, therefore the trailer needed to show even more giving it a slight twist. The basic plot is aliens invade in the western era and Daniel Craig has bee chosen to save the humans, with a futuristic contraption attached to his wrist.

USP - the two genres have never been mixed to therefore the hype about it will be high due to this fact.

Music - there is a drum beat at every shot change. Subtle use of music which slowly build ups then silence when the space ship flies over, this emphasises this occurrence and the music is used to build up tension to this point. There is an increase and decrease of volume of the music between dialogue ( increase no dialogue decrease dialogue )

Shot types / angles - wide variety of shots. e.g point of view shots, long shots and close ups. Camera angles are effectively used representing power.

Pace - each scene starts off slow then the pace gradually builds up. An example of this would be the first scene which starts of really slow with him examining himself, then as the other cowboys find him and it breaks into a fight scene.

Dialogue - there is a lot of dialogue in the trailer which explains the plot of the film without spoiling the whole film. For example one of the character has amnesia and this is mentioned by another character. There is also an emphasis on the heavy breathing.

Special Effects - The use of CGI has been shown through the alien space ship flying over the heads of the characters in one of the scenes. Another example would be the contraption attached to Daniel Craig's wrist.

Credits and Inter titles - the titles and credits come quite late in the trailer, however this may be due to the difficult story line, which is explained. The directors, producers, executive producers.