

Friday 17 December 2010

Research and Planning - Teaser Trailer Ideas

I had an idea for a trailer the other night;
it starts with some footage or a shortened scene of the film, quite slow paced, possibly police cars driving past, or a scene containing a few characters from the film possibly just having a conversation, the conversation content will show the urban grittiness of the film. Also during these shots i would show some titles with a possible drum beat between shots to add tension and emphasis.

However, i would start the trailer with this with a slow paced song in the background to keep the consistency of the editing pace. Suddenly the screen will jerk and fade out, i would like to use the sound effect of a turntable scratching a vinyl record; then a fast paced song drops in, with a series of fast pace shots presenting the drama genre of the film. 

Towards the end of the trailer i would have the music pace slow down again, and the film title and a website for the film come up, also with facebook, twitter etc links at the bottom.

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