

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Research and Planning - Script for teaser trailer

Below is a rough idea of how we expect and hope our script to turn out in our teaser trailer we use little dialogue as a technique on adding tension and mystery behind the scenes we show, although non-diegetic sound will be used to highlight any states of emergencie and action.

The script was created by following through the animatic shot lists one by one filling in where it would be neccessary to have dialogue.

Shot 4: (This winter..) - We are currently undecided on whether we will get a character to say "This winter" or leave the silence to add suspense.

Shot 5: (fight scene) - Moans and groans of the fight will be classed as standard diegetic on scene noise.

Shot 7: (There story is told..) - Again we are not sure whether to include a voice over of a character saying "There story is told" if we do decide on this the other titles will have a voice over accompanying them too.

Shot 9: (Result of fight - Close up) - Possibly diegetic noise may be said by the character as an emphasis on emotion and the state in which they are, but no specific dialogue.

Shot 12: (Confrontation of character) - The character shouts aggressively "What?" as a bold challenge and to highlight a typical aggressive attitude.

However, as we are using quite quick, short shots very little is said in the trailer. This is quite common for a trailer, as it leaves a sense of enigma to it, hooking the audience in to following the other promotion schemes behind the film.

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