

Monday 18 October 2010

Research and Planning - trailer analysis

Similar genre and narrative of the film we intend to make a trailer for.

Genre - Action is suggested by the showing of weapons / Urban drama is connotated through the use of actors (Adam Deacon) and the director (Noel Clarke) from previous films such as Kiduthood etc.

Narrative - Unclear, just tries to tease audience with characters e.g Adam Deacon, Plan B, Bashy, Noel Clarke who directs the film as well.

USP - unclear narrative only shows highly known actors, which teases audience and leaves them wanting to know more. Good way of starting off viral marketing

Target Audience - young adults and teenagers. English and American, trying to target Americans through the use of American actors. The creators attract the target audience with the fast pace of the trailer, also using well known characters in the niche genre which will attract the viewers.

Music - ticking clock to represent countdown. Drums kick in matching the pace of the trailer.

Shot types / Camera Angles - High use of mid shots and close ups in order to show emotion e.g anger fear or shock in the case of this trailer. Uses a lot of camera panning, and the occasional use of hand-held camera, in order to create realism.

Pace - Fast paced one shot per second, counts through them.

Special Effects - none as the film is more to do with realism.

Dialogue - "you are about to die" connotates action film. "is that blood?" "Dont get it on the seats." this suggests that there is likely to be fighting and humour is made through this.

Credits and intertitles - counts down from 30 - 1 seconds. "Noel Clarke presents" this connotates a similar film to the popular kidulthood/adulthood. Coming soon which is a standard titlein many teaser trailers.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Research and Planning - Ideas for teaser trailer

GenreAs a group of (Myself, Tom and Max) we have decided to do a teaser trailer either from last years project of our opening two minutes or along the lines of last years project, with a genre decided of Urban drama.

Urban Drama - A type of drama that focuses on issues and problems caused by modern and contemporary urban life.

Issues - Drugs, Crime, Racism, Bullying, Friendships and Relationships
These are just a few of the issues we could expand on throughout our teaser trailer.


Similar story line of a teenagers life and the obstacles of which they have to tackle and how they do it, with the positive and negative outcomes.

Unique Selling Point

Based on real story

Target Audience

Male and Female, 17-24. Young adults. They will then be able to reflect on realistic situations therefore be drawn to the film.


Most likely fast paced to accompany a montage of activities.

Shot Types/Camera Angles

Mixture to illustrate camera skill and portray emotion of the situations and characters.


Fast heart beat style, montage of images.


Minimal, Odd shouting to illustrate emotion and give a hint of the narrative.



Credits and intertitles

Summer 2011... Coming Soon..

Research and Planning - Genre mind map

Thursday 7 October 2010

Research and Planning - Buried teaser trailer analysis

Genre - thriller / horror

Narrative - some one is buried in a coffin. Calls the police and is hung up on, the call may have been intercepted. Sparks a lighter in order to find out where they are.

USP - No footage shown, just dialogue and music. This shows that the creators want to leave the rest t the imagination.

Target Audience - young to middle aged adults. Possibly couples. Slightly niche target audience. Screaming and sympathy attract the female audience to watch the film who would genrally go with their partners to watch the film.

Music - continuous  high pitched noise, regularly changing frequency. Rather unsettling.

Pace - Slow sound flow. Fade in and out of titles onto black screen.

Camera shots and angles - only shot is briefly of when the character lights his lighter, and a quick long shot is shown of him lying down in a coffin.

Dialogue - heavy breathing. Panicking man asking for help on his mobile, and is rejected by the police operator. Asynchronous sound, as there is no footage shown just a black screen.

Credits and Intertitles - Coming Soon, no specific date in order to keep the target audience interested and constantly looking for more trailers and information. The film title appear. and there is a constant animation on the bottom of the screen showing the website address as well as Facebook and Twitter etc.

I would expect that the film is quite a low budget in terms of Hollywood movies nowadays, therefore it will be easy for the makers to get a good return on the film, especially as its targeted at quite a small audience.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Research and Planning - Super 8 Trailer analysis

The trailer has no obvious target audience as not a lot is shown. However, as the names Steven Speilberg and JJ Abrams are mentioned this suggests that the audince being targeted is a worldwide audience trying to target as many people as possible. Depending on the rating of the film this will change the size of the target audience. Nevertheless the rating or plot to the film have not yet been released, therefore no specific audience can be selected.

This type of trailer is a good example viral marketing. It will start off word of mouth creating hype about a film which hasn't even been completed yet.

The trailer starts with the sound of crickets. This is quite an unsettling sound as it is like a croaking.

A black screen with the text "in 1979 the US Air Force closed a section of Area 51". This immediately connotes that aliens etc may be involved.

Then the unsettling sound of a train crossing gate. With flashing red lights. The colour red connotes danger or death.

Then you see a train carrying lots of cargo loads.

Cut to a car driving down the road that jumps up on the tracks and heads straight toward the train. This identifies either a planned attack on the train or a coincidence that someone wanted to kill themselves in front of this particular train.

Cut to black screen and then the words “From Director J.J. Abrams”, this allows anyone familiar to J.J. Abrams and the other films he has directed to relate and illustrate a suitable genre.

Back to the train and car colliding into each other, the train derails, the camera slowly zooms in on one of the tipped over cargo carts of the derailed train, then something is punching on the walls inside the train cart trying to escape, this allows the audiences imagination to go wild, wondering what is inside, drawing in the audience to the film, wanting to know more. 

The use of special effects in this clip of the trailer represents the funding put into the film. Then it cuts to black screen and then the title ”Super 8“flashes. "Next Summer. It Arrives.... Super 8"

Sources have identified near the end of the trailer, a super 8 camera lens can be seen. Inside the lens, several letters can be seen moving past in a movie reel fashion. By analyzing each frame, the letters S C A R I E S T T H I N G I E V E R S A W can be seen

Monday 4 October 2010

Research and Planning - Analysis of teaser trailer 2012

Genre - sci-fi adventure / disaster movie.
Narrative - flooding of the world in the year 2012. Un-relateable.
USP - Environmental disaster on a global scale, as opposed to previous films e.g the day after tomorrow. Sense of enigma. Close to the present day.
Target Audience - Male?? possibly late teens and young - middle aged adults.
Music - buzzing of bees ( environmental issue), likeness to a ticking clock, music is mysterious raising tension.
Shot Types / camera angles - close up of faces to emphasise emotions, extreme long shots when showing mountain and wave. Shot of feet represents sense of urgency.
Pace of editing - slow editing building tension, unusual for a teaser trailer.
Special Effects - giant wave good use.
Credits and intertitles - end of the world , hints everyone will die but doesnt mention it directly, shows the website for unaswered questions.