

Thursday 28 April 2011

Evaluation 4 - How did you use new media technology in the contruction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the construction of all three of our ancillary tasks (teaser trailer, film poster and magazine front cover) we applied the use of Digital Technologies shown below.

Me with the Camera and Tripod we used:


Adobe Premiere

We used Adobe Premiere to edit our teaser trailer. This allowed us to identify the process of selecting and preparing shots and scenes using the effects that the software comes with to emphasise what we were trying to portray.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

The use of the above programs; Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, allowed us to manipulate the images for the magazine cover and poster to enhance the emotion and overall appearance that we wished to present.


We used 'Slideshare' early on in our Research and Planning stages to involve and combine different interactive IT skills.


We have used 'Youtube' throughout our foundation and advanced portfolio to both gain audience feedback and use as a free movie uploader, we have also been able to improve our knowledge of teaser trailer elements by viewing other uploaded 'Teaser trailers'.


Blogger is a free web-blog publishing tool from Google, used for sharing text, photos and videos. We have used this throughout our foundation and advanced portfolio to publish our work from research and planning to our final edited teaser trailer, teaser posters and film magazine front covers. We have enabled access to anyone worldwide to view and follow our blogs allowing us to recieve any positive or negative feedback via email.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Evaluation 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback

Our audience feedback shown in the videos above has enabled us to hear other peoples opinions on all three of our ancillary tasks, both negative and positive. This allows us to see if we have achieved our intentions and to what extent. It also helps to realise areas that we could improve on, and therefore re look at certain aspects and adjust and edit them, to improve our overall product.

Below shows the comments I have taken from the audience feedback, the vast amount of points displays that this was very beneficial.


  • Good use of time stretch - manipulation of pace
  • Enigma - making the audience wanting to know more
  • Realistic
  • Pacey
  • Nice Length

Factors to possibly re-visit

  • Punch in face - see if the transition of face to blood trim down
  • Dialogue/ Voice over


  • Wider audience


  • Good choice of image (different from trailer)
  • Matches colour scheme
  • Right choice of magazine
  • Font matches teaser trailer


  • Good composition
  • Black and White
  • Portrays sub urbs well

Friday 8 April 2011

Evaluation 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

the video above is the same as the previous trailer posted. However, i wanted to emphaise the annotions that have been made of the attraction of our product to the target audience.

Evalutation 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

The title of the film has been put in a urban style font, with all letters other than 'i' in capitals. this gives it a gritty look, conforming the the conventions of our genre.

The setting and location can be seen in the pictures, they all have a similar colour scheme which can be seen above in the screen grabs. The setting is generally at night time as well in order to match this colour scheme.

Costumes used are hooded jumpers and coats and jeans or tracksuit bottoms.
Props are the cars and the fake blood.

In the top right image the close up shot has been freeze framed in order to allow the audience to familerise themselves with the actor, this also matches the beat of the soundtrack.
Generally the camerawork was handheld in order to create a more realistic feel, which we thought to fit into the mood of the genre.

All of the titles and intertitles share the same font of poplar, however they all vary in size depending on importance and the amount of text needing to be shown in the shot. For example the film title is a big font in order to fill a large amount of the page whereas the summer 11 intertitle is smaller size.

This story isnt very clear through the viewing of the trailer, therefore there is a high sense of enigma. This is good as a large number of trailers use enigma as a technique of attracting their audience without letting out too much information on the plot.

The genre in British Urban Drama. This is suggested through the trailer through the setting in the club and in the cars. It is also set up by the costume and characters as they have a late teen stereotype which the target audience are intended to belong to.

The characters are introduced:
  • in the club are location which is famous for being an attraction for young people (the audience)
  • on the side of a street, a commonly known place where the stereotyped characters and age group are known for being found
  • the final character is introduced in his car. A known interest of the target audiece as they are all beginning to learn and pass their driving tests.
Special effects are used in a basic standard. An example from on of the screen grabs is the speeding up of the top left image.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Final Teaser Trailer

Magazine Front cover.

we chose to use sight and sound magazine, as it is a British magazine, also it generally targets niche films. Therefore we thought it would be perfect for our film. However, the only downside is that sight and sound are not generally know for our particular genre, which may defer their target audience, however perhaps broadening ours.

Final Teaser Poster

Film Title: Sub Urban Nightmare

Tagline: Roll with us or get rolled over


Annotated Final Poster


Adding text:

Adding background image:

Adding a tagline:

Playing with the contrast:

Monday 28 March 2011

Research and Planning - stages of editing

Adding text:

Freeze frame:

Time streching:

These images all show how we manipulated our film using various techniques for the desired affects which were achieved.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Research and Planning - Actors



Dave (me)

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Research and Planning - Sight and sound magazine(British)

Sight and sound is a British magazine, funded by the BFI (British Film Institution). This would be a relevant magazine to do a front cover for our film, as we are aiming to produce a low budget British drama. Therefore we will also be pitching our film to our target audience and would get an honest review.

Research and Planning - Total Film Magazine

Total Films front covers are similar to Empire's, in the way that they regularly keep a template in which they edit every month. Also in a similar fashion to Empire, Total Film change there title in order to continue a theme from the film being advertised. On the other hand, they don't tend to be as intricate as Empire's, tending to only change the colour of the title in order to make it more visible. The only example of a theme is the Terminator with the red title and other red text at the bottom of the page.

Monday 7 February 2011

Research and Planning - Empire Magazine

Empire magazine publishes a magazine each month. It often has a standard template in which they use. However it is not uncommon for them to change it in order to match the colour scheme also making the front cover more effective. For example in the mood board below the magazines front cover edition of The Dark Knight.

Research and Planning - Film magazine research.

  • I have looked into film magazines through the use of google, and discovered that there is very few British magazines which focus on niche market films, such as our own. However, i did find that there is a British magazine which is made by the BFI (British Film Institution) called Sight and sound.
  •  On the other hand there is also international film magazines. With the worlds leading magazine being Empire.
  • Another example would be the magazine Total Film. They are also operating on a global scale and are competitors with Empire. However, Total film doesnt just focus on magazines it also has trailers and other news about films on its website.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Research and Planning - Prop seleceted for the trailer

Below is a rough idea of how we expect and hope our script to turn out in our teaser trailer. We use little dialogue as a technique for adding tension and a sense of mystery behind the scenes that we show, although non-diegetic sound will be used to highlight any states of emergency and action.

The script was created by following through the animatic shot lists one by one and filling in where it would be neccessary to have dialogue.

Shot 4: (This winter..) - We are currently undecided on whether we will get a character to say "This winter" or leave the silence to add suspense.

Shot 5: (fight scene) - Moans and groans of the fight will be classed as standard diegetic on scene noise.

Shot 7: (Their story is told..) - Again we are not sure whether to include a voice over of a character saying "Their story is told", if we do decide on this the other titles will have a voice over accompanying them too.

Shot 9: (Result of fight - Close up) - Possibly diegetic noise may be said by the character as an emphasis on emotion and the state in which they are, but no specific dialogue.

Shot 12: (Confrontation of character) - The character shouts aggressively "What?" as a bold challenge and to highlight a typical aggressive attitude.


Props for the scenes:

Below is a rough idea of what props we will need throughout our teaser trailer, it is important that we plan this aspect to create undeniable realism and a professional effect.

The (–) mean that props are not needed for this shot.

Shot 1: - (everyday tower block view no added props needed)

Shot 2: - (everyday street view of a police car, no added props needed)

Shot 3: A cigerette will be needed to add emphasis on a rebellious character introduction.

Shot 4: - (titles)

Shot 5: - (a standard mock fist fight with no weapons)

Shot 6: A spray of fake blood will be used to create the remains of a realistic fight splattered up the wall

Shot 7: - (titles)

Shot 8: Fake blood and Make up will be used to emphasis the rough attack on the character

Shot 9: A car will be used to race by (either mine or Daves) to highlight the rebellious act

Shot 10: A cigerette will be used again to be stamped out to illustrate a state of anger or terror

Shot 11: -

Shot 12: A replica BB gun will be used for this shot to add emphasis on the violent outburst

Shot 13: - (Titles)

Shot 14: - (Titles)

Shot 15: - (Titles)

This is the fake blood gel we will use:

Research and Planning - Script for teaser trailer

Below is a rough idea of how we expect and hope our script to turn out in our teaser trailer we use little dialogue as a technique on adding tension and mystery behind the scenes we show, although non-diegetic sound will be used to highlight any states of emergencie and action.

The script was created by following through the animatic shot lists one by one filling in where it would be neccessary to have dialogue.

Shot 4: (This winter..) - We are currently undecided on whether we will get a character to say "This winter" or leave the silence to add suspense.

Shot 5: (fight scene) - Moans and groans of the fight will be classed as standard diegetic on scene noise.

Shot 7: (There story is told..) - Again we are not sure whether to include a voice over of a character saying "There story is told" if we do decide on this the other titles will have a voice over accompanying them too.

Shot 9: (Result of fight - Close up) - Possibly diegetic noise may be said by the character as an emphasis on emotion and the state in which they are, but no specific dialogue.

Shot 12: (Confrontation of character) - The character shouts aggressively "What?" as a bold challenge and to highlight a typical aggressive attitude.

However, as we are using quite quick, short shots very little is said in the trailer. This is quite common for a trailer, as it leaves a sense of enigma to it, hooking the audience in to following the other promotion schemes behind the film.

Monday 10 January 2011

Research and Planning - institution research

Contempary Films By Revolver:

Bonded By Blood


The Kid

A Serbian Film

All these films have a gritty side to them. They are mostly drama's.

Research and Planning - Font Research

In this post I have researched into films with similar target audiences as our own and the types of font they have used in their trailers/ teaser trailers, in particular for their film title. Below i believe to be some effective some not so effective for different reasons fonts used fot the trailers. In descending order from left to right, here as follows are the names of the films i have used..
  • Shank
  • Kidulthood
  • Bullet Boy
  • Adulthood
  • This Is England
For me Shank has the most effective use of both background and font... The simplicity of it, is ideal for a fast moving trailer, especially for teaser trailers as the pace of shots changing is even quicker. The ending of 'Shank's' trailer is nicely tied up by a rustic brown coloured, clowdy looking background with the film title 'SHANK' slowing coming out from the misty background, getting bolder and bolder, with their punchy eye catching catch phrases 'If Your Not One Of Us; (next shot) 'Your A Victim'

Thursday 6 January 2011

Research and Planning - Certificate

In our film we have chosen to guide the film along the '15' rating allowing us to identify the traumatic gritty scenes we wish to express. Below are the guidelines in which we must felow to consider the film efficently a 15+ aimed target audience.Discrimination The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatorylanguage or behaviour.DrugsDrug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must notpromote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easilyaccessible and highly dangerous substances (for example,aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.HorrorStrong threat and menace are permitted unless sadisticor sexualised.Imitable behaviourDangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide andself-harming) should not dwell on detail which could becopied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.LanguageThere may be frequent use of strong language (for example,‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may beacceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeateduse of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.NudityNudity may be allowed in a sexual context but withoutstrong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in anon-sexual or educational context.SexSexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail.There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour,but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptableunless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose issexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.ThemeNo theme is prohibited, provided the treatment isappropriate for 15 year olds.ViolenceViolence may be strong but should not dwell on the inflictionof pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely tobe acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is alsounlikely to be acceptable.There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violencebut any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet andhave a strong contextual justification.