

Monday 8 November 2010

Research and Planning - Costume ideas.

Our film 'Sub-urban Nightmare' will be based around the suburbs of London, stereotypically the teenagers are fairly fashion conscious. In the particular area we are filming and basing are film in its certainly not at extremely affluent area however are wealthy enough to be able to afford up to date clothing. Here are some images of the kind of clothing our actors will wearing, fashionable yet not big designer branded clothing.

Black trainers, however when filming the trainers we will use will be scruffy to represent, the more lazy , un-groomed appearance.

Standard black jeans, nothing to stand out too much, jeans faded again to represent that's there not brand new, however they don't have holes or anything to shabby looking.

Finally, this hoodie represents the street life style of the individuals, and portray a urban teenager. As apposed to a upper class adolescent.

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