

Monday 8 November 2010

Research and Planning - Questionnaire Results (audience research)

We decided to put together a questionnaire to ask 15 of our family and friends who fall into our target audience age group of 15-24 to help identify anything we didn't already know about them and how we can tailor our teaser trailer to suit them best.

1. How often do you go to the cinema?

The graph above shows that males tend to attend cinema viewings more regularly then females, fortunately in our case our target audience is of the male gender allowing us to direct the film at the majority gender viewer.

2. How long do you prefer a teaser trailer to be?

In the above graph the prefered length of a teaser trailer is 2nd shortest and generally most popular at 20-30 seconds, therefore this is the time span we will try and aim for.

3. What location would you expect to find in an urban-drama?

The data from the above graph shows a correlation with sub-urban areas and the inner city rather than any outer field countryside locations, this was expectable considering all of the main urban-drama films out are shot in both or either one of these locations, however this helps the security of primary research from real peoples oppinions.

4. What appeals to you most in an urban-drama?

The results reveal that 'Sex Appeal' is the most appealing aspect of the urban-drama for both male and viewers, compared to crime, and character attitudes. Yet with more males than females taking part in the questionairre I am unable to make an accurate correlation between the genders.

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